Myzopodidae – Madagascar sucker-footed bats

Little is known about this small family, native to Madagascar

A remarkably unique and highly specialized group within the Chiropteran order, notable for its extremely limited diversity. This family consists of a single genus, Myzopoda, which in turn includes only one species, the Myzopoda aurita, often referred to as the Madagascar sucker-footed bat or the golden bat. Despite its modest representation within the bat world, the Myzopoda aurita is a subject of great interest among researchers and conservationists due to its distinctive characteristics and the limited knowledge surrounding its ecology and behavior.

One of the most striking features of the Madagascar sucker-footed bat is its moderately dense pelage, which exhibits a beautiful range of colors from mid-brown to golden, earning it the nickname “golden bat.” In addition to its appealing coloration, this bat is medium in size but has relatively large ears, which are likely advantageous for its echolocation abilities, allowing it to navigate and forage efficiently in the dark.

The natural habitat of the Myzopoda aurita is the rainforests of Madagascar, a biodiversity hotspot that offers a variety of environments where these bats can thrive. They have been documented in a range of settings within this island nation, from paddies and marshlands to vanilla plantations, streams, and even urban areas.

Dietary habits of the Myzopoda aurita, while not extensively studied, are believed to primarily involve insect consumption. This diet positions them as potential allies in controlling agricultural pests, thereby indirectly benefiting human communities by reducing the need for chemical pest control methods.