Insecta – Insects / bugs

Tiny earth’s aviation pioneers are big impactors

Insects feature bilateral symmetry, a ventral nerve cord, and a unique heart that operates within an open circulatory system. Their segmented exoskeleton allows flexible movement through paired legs and antennae (jointed appendages).

Insects can walk, fly, or even swim and are ‘cold-blooded,’ meaning their internal temperature changes with the environment. They live almost anywhere life can thrive.

They have a rich evolutionary history dating back to the Paleozoic Era and close evolutionary ties with crustaceans (shell creatures like crabs).

Insects have diverse social behaviors, from solitary to organized colonies, and communicate using methods like pheromones and sounds. Their role is essential in pollination, maintaining ecosystem balance, and supporting agriculture; humans can not exist without them.

There are already over a million species (over 80% of all animal species!) in the Class Insecta, and scientists believe there may be millions more yet not found. Nearly 10,000 new insect species are found every year.