Index 2024Score
#1 Country88
#2 Country86
#3 Country84
#4 Country82
#5 Country80
#6 Country78
#7 Country76
#8 Country74
#9 Country72
#10 Country70
#11 Country68
#12 Country66
#13 Country64
#14 Country62
#15 Country60
#16 Country58
#17 Country56
#18 Country54
#19 Country52
#20 Country50
Index 2024Score
#176 Country39
#177 Country38
#178 Country37
#179 Country36
#180 Country35
#181 Country34
#182 Country33
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#184 Country31
#185 Country30
#186 Country29
#187 Country28
#188 Country27
#189 Country26
#190 Country25
#191 Country24
#192 Country23
#193 Country22
#194 Country21
#195 Country20

How We Build This Index

Developing the Biodiversity Conservation Index (BCI) was a methodical undertaking rooted in the need to assess and monitor global ecological health comprehensively. This index stands as a critical tool, providing nuanced insights into the state of biodiversity and guiding strategic efforts for its preservation. To obtain comprehensive details, we took into account five key parameters:

Biodiversity Sensitivity

Jordan’s protected areas, numbering 17, cover a range of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, deserts, and marine environments, playing a crucial role in preserving the country’s diverse biodiversity and cultural legacy. Notably, Dana Biosphere Reserve and Azraq Wetland Reserve hold UNESCO-MAB Reserve status, underscoring their global importance in biodiversity conservation. These protected areas are classified under different national designations, including Forest Reserves, Marine Reserves, Nature Reserves, Proposed Nature Reserves, Special Conservation Areas, and Wetland Reserves.

Land Management

Jordan’s protected areas, numbering 17, cover a range of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, deserts, and marine environments, playing a crucial role in preserving the country’s diverse biodiversity and cultural legacy. Notably, Dana Biosphere Reserve and Azraq Wetland Reserve hold UNESCO-MAB Reserve status, underscoring their global importance in biodiversity conservation. These protected areas are classified under different national designations, including Forest Reserves, Marine Reserves, Nature Reserves, Proposed Nature Reserves, Special Conservation Areas, and Wetland Reserves.

Capacity and Governance

Jordan’s protected areas, numbering 17, cover a range of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, deserts, and marine environments, playing a crucial role in preserving the country’s diverse biodiversity and cultural legacy. Notably, Dana Biosphere Reserve and Azraq Wetland Reserve hold UNESCO-MAB Reserve status, underscoring their global importance in biodiversity conservation. These protected areas are classified under different national designations, including Forest Reserves, Marine Reserves, Nature Reserves, Proposed Nature Reserves, Special Conservation Areas, and Wetland Reserves.

Future Trends

Jordan’s protected areas, numbering 17, cover a range of ecosystems such as forests, wetlands, deserts, and marine environments, playing a crucial role in preserving the country’s diverse biodiversity and cultural legacy. Notably, Dana Biosphere Reserve and Azraq Wetland Reserve hold UNESCO-MAB Reserve status, underscoring their global importance in biodiversity conservation. These protected areas are classified under different national designations, including Forest Reserves, Marine Reserves, Nature Reserves, Proposed Nature Reserves, Special Conservation Areas, and Wetland Reserves.

Who are we?

Nature Conservation Index is a collaboration of the website, a non-profit, and The Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Change of Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and To make sure – School of Zoology, The George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, of Tel Aviv University.

BioDB is a recently established nonprofit platform, focused on raising awareness and mobilizing funds for specific non-governmental organizations (NGOs) dedicated to wildlife conservation.

About The Goldman Sonnenfeldt School of Sustainability and Climate Change…

About School of Zoology…

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July 2024.