Colobus – Black-and-white colobuses

We are social monkeys that are native to the forests of Africa

These captivating creatures are renowned for their striking black and white coloration, which distinguishes them from other primate species. With their long tails and remarkable agility, black-and-white colobus monkeys are well-adapted to their arboreal lifestyle, spending much of their time traversing the dense canopy of their forest habitats.

These arboreal monkeys are primarily diurnal, meaning they are active during the day, utilizing the daylight hours to forage for food and engage in social interactions. Their nimble limbs and strong muscles allow them to make impressive leaps and bounds between tree branches, enabling them to navigate their forest environment with ease. As herbivores, black-and-white colobus monkeys have a diverse diet consisting of leaves, seeds, flowers, and fruits. Their feeding habits play a crucial role in the ecosystem, as they aid in seed dispersal, contributing to the regeneration of plant species within their habitat.

The distinctive coloration of black-and-white colobus monkeys is a key characteristic of their appearance. Adult monkeys typically display a striking contrast of black fur adorned with white features and stripes. White fur surrounds their facial region, creating a stark contrast against their black fur, while white stripes run along the sides of their bodies. Interestingly, newborn colobus monkeys are born completely white, with pink faces, gradually developing their iconic black-and-white coloration as they mature.

Despite their remarkable adaptations and distinctive appearance, black-and-white colobus monkeys face numerous threats to their survival. One significant threat is predation by forest predators, including large birds of prey and carnivorous mammals. Additionally, black-and-white colobus monkeys are targeted by hunters for the bushmeat trade, driven by the demand for wild-caught meat in local communities. Habitat destruction, primarily due to logging and land conversion for agriculture, further compounds the challenges faced by these primates, leading to habitat fragmentation and loss.