
Unlike many other birds that build nests in trees or bushes, they excavate burrows in earthen banks or road cuts

A strikingly beautiful bird native to Central America, particularly found in countries such as Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. Known for its vivid coloration and unique tail feathers, this bird is not only a delight to birdwatchers but also plays a significant role in the ecosystems it inhabits.

Adult turquoise-browed motmots are medium-sized birds with long, racket-shaped tail feathers. These distinctive tail feathers are one of the motmot’s most recognizable features, with the central feathers extending beyond the others and ending in bare shafts with flattened tips. This gives the motmot the appearance of two small rackets at the end of its tail, which it often swings like a pendulum, a behavior thought to be a form of communication or display. Their plumage is an array of vibrant colors. They have a bright turquoise brow, which gives them their name, and a turquoise stripe along their crown. Their underparts are a rich greenish-blue, while their back and wings display a blend of green and brown. The bright blue and green colors of their plumage make them stand out vividly against the green foliage of their habitat.

These birds prefer open woodlands, forest edges, and clearings, often perching conspicuously on branches where they can easily spot prey and potential mates. They are predominantly insectivorous, feeding on a variety of insects and small invertebrates, such as beetles, butterflies, and grasshoppers. However, they also consume small reptiles and fruits, making them omnivorous. Their hunting strategy often involves sitting quietly on a perch and then swooping down to catch prey on the ground or in the air.