Carcharhiniformes – Ground sharks

The largest order of sharks are the only ones with eyelids

Two spineless dorsal fins (not one!) and an anal fin act as their most distinctive features. Additionally, they have a unique eyelid called a nictitating membrane that may cover and protect their eyes. Their large jaws usually extend to their eyes or even behind their eyes.

They don’t have grooves on their noses (Nasal grooves), although certain catsharks may have wide, shallow grooves. Barbels (fleshy, whisker-like projections that extend from the head or mouth area), which are sensory organs that emerge from the front of their nostrils, may occasionally be present in them. The arrangement of teeth in their jaws varies, and there are no gaps nor small intermediate teeth to divide the front and lateral teeth.

They’re called ground sharks because they love hanging out near the ocean floor or chilling in coastal areas. The term ‘ground’ relates to their affinity for shallow waters and adaptation to living at the bottom of the ocean. These sharks come in various sizes and shapes, from unusual deep-ocean bottom-dwellers to common huge sharks.