
Found in Asia and Europe, these freshwater otters are endangered and nearing extinction

Lutra otters are well-adapted to life in water, possessing a number of physical traits that facilitate their aquatic lifestyle. Their bodies are streamlined for efficient swimming, with webbed feet that act like paddles, propelling them through the water with remarkable agility and speed. The fur of Lutra otters is dense and sleek, providing insulation through air pockets trapped within the fur, which helps maintain body warmth in cold water environments. This fur requires regular maintenance through grooming to retain its insulating properties.

One of the most distinctive features of these otters is their sensitive whiskers, or vibrissae, which they use to detect movements of prey in the murky waters of their habitats. These whiskers are so finely tuned that otters can locate and capture prey even in complete darkness, highlighting their specialization as aquatic hunters.

The diet of Lutra otters is predominantly piscivorous, consisting mainly of fish. However, their dietary habits are opportunistic, and they will also consume a variety of other aquatic animals, including amphibians, crustaceans, and even waterfowl. On occasion, they may consume eggs, insects, worms, and small amounts of plant material, demonstrating their adaptability in foraging.

Lutra otters are skilled hunters, employing stealth and agility to catch prey. They are known to use their paws to manipulate objects or remove fish from the water, showcasing a degree of manual dexterity that is remarkable among carnivores.

The otters of the genus Lutra are increasingly endangered, with habitat loss, pollution, and overexploitation posing significant threats to their populations. Freshwater habitats, such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands, are particularly vulnerable to degradation from agricultural runoff, industrial pollution, and dam construction, which can lead to the fragmentation of otter populations and a decline in prey availability.