Meloidae – Blister beetles

Known for a unique defensive chemical they produce called cantharidin

Blister beetles, a fascinating group of insects, exhibit distinctive features that set them apart from other beetles. One of their notable characteristics is their soft and somewhat flexible wing covers, which can release a potent substance known as cantharidin when the beetle is under threat. Cantharidin is a powerful chemical compound capable of causing painful blisters upon contact with the skin. While blister beetles employ cantharidin as a defense mechanism against predators, animals, and humans must handle these beetles with caution to avoid potential harm.

Remarkably, cantharidin, the defensive chemical secreted by blister beetles, has a rich historical medical background, albeit with significant precautions due to its toxicity. In the past, cantharidin was utilized in traditional medicine to treat various ailments. However, its use has been greatly discouraged and is now considered dangerous, as its effects can be severe if not properly controlled.

Blister beetles, with their unique adaptations and intriguing chemical defenses, continue to be subjects of scientific study and fascination. Understanding their remarkable abilities and historical significance in medicine sheds light on the intricate relationships between insects and humans throughout history.