
These birds have incredible accuracy and are a pleasure to witness

These birds are celebrated for their vivid plumage, graceful flight, and remarkable hunting skills. They are primarily found in Africa and Asia, with some species extending into southern Europe, Australia, and New Guinea.

Bee-eaters are slender, medium-sized birds that are characterized by rich, colorful plumage, which can range from bright greens to blues, yellows, and reds. Their coloration not only makes them one of the most beautiful bird families but also helps them blend into their tropical and subtropical habitats. Many species have elongated central tail feathers, which add to their elegance in flight. Their wings are round or pointed, enabling swift, agile flying necessary for their aerial hunting. The long, downward-curving bill is perfectly adapted for their insectivorous diet, especially for catching bees and wasps mid-flight.

True to their name, bee-eaters primarily prey on bees, wasps, and other flying insects. They exhibit a fascinating feeding behavior—sallying from a perch to snatch their prey out of the air, then returning to the perch to neutralize the threat posed by the stinger. They do this by skillfully striking the insect against a hard surface to remove the stinger and squeeze out the venom, a technique that drastically reduces the risks of consuming stinging insects. This behavior, combined with their agile flight, makes them a captivating sight for birdwatchers.

Bee-eaters favor open, sunny habitats where they can easily spot and pursue their prey. They are often found near water, in fields, savannas, or forest clearings. During the breeding season, they are social and colonial nesters, excavating tunnels in sandy banks or flat ground where they lay their eggs. Both parents, and sometimes helpers from previous broods, care for the young.

While many bee-eater species are currently not endangered, they face threats from habitat destruction, pesticide use, and climate change, which can disrupt their food supply. Conservation efforts are important to maintain the habitats that bee-eaters and other insectivorous birds rely on for survival.