Orthoptera – Grasshoppers & crickets

These chirping and bouncing bugs are the orchestra players of the insect world

Orthoptera, which goes by common names like grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids, is a species-rich order with incredible diversity in anatomy, biology, and ecology.

One of the defining features of Orthoptera is their distinctive body structure, characterized by robust rear legs specially designed for powerful jumping and well-developed wings. These wings include membranous hind wings, which are effectively protected by the leathery forewings known as tegmina. Additionally, Orthopterans are equipped with chewing mouthparts, primarily feeding on plant materials. Remarkably, they possess the evolutionary feature of sound production for communication, creating unique calls that resonate through various landscapes.

Their life cycle comprises three distinct stages—egg, nymph, and adult—representing incomplete metamorphosis. This developmental strategy allows them to adapt to a wide array of habitats, from temperate grasslands to dense tropical rainforests. Their remarkable adaptability often leads them to thrive in unexpected places.

In addition to their adaptability, Orthoptera contributes significantly to ecosystem health. Their herbivorous activities play a vital role in nutrient cycling, facilitating the breakdown and recycling of plant matter. Furthermore, these insects serve as a substantial food source for various predators, contributing to the intricate web of interactions within their respective ecosystems.