Scarabaeidae – Scarab beetles

Important symbols of rebirth and resurrection, as well as good luck and fortune

Scarab beetles, a diverse family found in a wide range of habitats worldwide, exhibit a captivating array of characteristics. While they vary in size and shape, their frequently rounded body is a distinctive feature often associated with scarab beetles.

One intriguing aspect of scarab beetles is their remarkable dung-rolling behavior. Some species are known for rolling dung into compact balls, a behavior that may seem unusual at first glance. However, this seemingly peculiar act serves a vital purpose in the beetle’s life cycle. These industrious beetles use the dung balls as nesting sites for their eggs. By depositing their eggs within the dung, scarab beetles create a protected and nutrient-rich environment for their developing larvae. This ingenious strategy ensures a steady supply of nourishment and safety, demonstrating these beetles’ resourcefulness and adaptability in securing their offspring’s well-being.

Furthermore, scarab beetles have cultural significance in various societies throughout history. In ancient Egypt, for example, the sacred scarab beetle, often represented by the dung beetle species Scarabaeus sacer, held symbolic importance and was associated with the sun god Ra and the cycle of life and death. Scarab amulets were frequently worn for protection and as symbols of transformation and rebirth.