Microcaecilia – Tiny caecilians

A new species was described in the Guianan region of Brazil (2013)

These intriguing creatures are known for their tiny eyes, cryptic coloration, and fascinating parental care strategies, all contributing to their enigmatic lifestyle.

One of the distinctive features of Microcaecilia caecilians is their diminutive eyes. These eyes are believed to possess limited visual capabilities, primarily detecting differences between light and dark. This reduced visual capacity reflects their preference for subterranean or aquatic habitats, where sight plays a less prominent role in their daily activities.

Microcaecilia species exhibit a striking array of colors, ranging from subdued grays and blacks to vibrant blues. Some members of this genus display two-toned body coloration, further enhancing their visual diversity and adaptability to their respective environments.

The lifestyle of Microcaecilia amphibians predominantly revolves around subterranean burrows or the shallow waters of streams. These habitats offer them protection and suitable conditions for foraging and reproduction. One particularly intriguing aspect of their reproductive strategy is their method of parental care.

Unlike many amphibians that provide parental care through direct feeding or transportation of prey to their young, Microcaecilia takes a unique approach. They allow their offspring to feed on their own skin, a behavior known as dermatophagy. This unusual form of parental care ensures that the young receive essential nutrients during their early stages of development.