
Most kind-hearted primate

William H. Calvin



Most kind-hearted primate

Population 30,000 – 50,000
Approximately 55% decline over the past 25 years

The lesser-known cousins of chimpanzees inhabiting the lush and expansive Congo Basin in Africa. These great apes resemble chimpanzees but are distinctively different in several physical and behavioral aspects. Bonobos are somewhat smaller in stature, with longer legs, shorter arms, and less prominent brow ridges, setting them apart from their chimpanzee relatives. Their faces are flatter, and they possess pink lips, contributing to a more gentle appearance compared to the often more robust chimpanzee.

These fascinating creatures exhibit a semi-terrestrial lifestyle, meaning they spend a significant amount of their time on the ground, though they are also adept climbers and spend time in trees. Bonobos are diurnal, active during the day, and rest at night, similar to humans. Their social structure is particularly interesting; bonobos live in fission-fusion communities, a fluid grouping pattern that allows for dynamic group size and composition. Leadership within these groups is often matriarchal, with experienced female bonobos playing a pivotal role in guiding and maintaining social harmony within the group.

Bonobos have a diverse diet, primarily consisting of various fruits and seeds. This diet is supplemented with leaves, honey, flowers, stems, bark, fungus, and shoots, reflecting their opportunistic feeding habits. They forage in a variety of forested environments, including moist and dry forests, woodlands, marshy grasslands, swamp forests, mature and mixed secondary forests, and even savannah areas.

Despite their adaptability and social sophistication, bonobos face the looming threat of extinction. Their habitat in the Congo Basin is rapidly shrinking due to deforestation, agricultural expansion, and human development. These pressures not only reduce the available living space for bonobos but also fragment their populations, making it challenging for them to access resources and mate, which is crucial for maintaining genetic diversity.


Population est.
DR Congo (Kinshasa)

Recent updates

April 2022: In a historic move, an NGO in the Democratic Republic of Congo has successfully released 14 bonobos into their natural habitat, marking only the second time ever that a group of bonobos has been reintroduced in the wild. The initiative aims to help restore the wild bonobo population, which is currently threatened by poaching, deforestation, and pet trade.

2019: The Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve is at risk of losing its unique species, but Friends of Bonobos is working to protect the forest by pushing for it to be designated a National Park. This could safeguard the reserve’s two animal groups, bonobos and blue monkeys, from becoming endangered. With the status of a National Park, the Ekolo ya Bonobo Community Reserve will have the protection it needs to ensure its species remain safe in the wild.

Did you know?

  • These pygmy chimps are the closest relatives of humans genetically ( just like chimps). Still, they have demonstrated unique emotional and social behavior based on non-violence and empathy, which is rare in the animal kingdom and ideally very humane.
  • Poaching and bushmeat hunting is becoming more commercialized and is wiping out the bonobo population at an alarming rate.
  • They are understudied because of their remote habitats, making it even more difficult to manage their conservation in the field.

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Get to know me

Terrestrial / Aquatic

Altricial / Precocial

Polygamous / Monogamous

Dimorphic (size) / Monomorphic

Active: Diurnal / Nocturnal

Social behavior: Solitary / Pack / Herd / Troop

Diet: Carnivore / Herbivore / Omnivore / Piscivorous / Insectivore

Migratory: Yes / No

Domesticated: Yes / No

Dangerous: Yes / No