Common planigale

Has a flattened skull to slip through holes, crevasses, and strands of grasses to escape from a predator or to hunt prey


Common planigale


Has a flattened skull to slip through holes, crevasses, and strands of grasses to escape from a predator or to hunt prey

It is an abundant species and widely distributed in northern and eastern Australia

Sporting a coat of grey-brown fur that blends seamlessly into the Australian bush, this creature is sometimes adorned with small, cryptic white spots, adding a subtle variance to its otherwise uniform appearance. The underside of the Common Planigale showcases a lighter shade, providing a contrast that aids in camouflage against the varied textures of its natural habitat.

A defining characteristic of the Common Planigale is its long, pointed snout, equipped with sharp teeth designed for an insectivorous diet. This specialized snout allows the planigale to adeptly probe into crevices and leaf litter in search of food, showcasing an evolutionary adaptation to its predatory lifestyle. Complementing this are the planigale’s large, rounded ears, which not only contribute to its acute hearing but also enhance its ability to detect the movements of prey and predators alike.

Female Common Planigales possess a pouch that opens towards the rear, a feature characteristic of marsupials. This pouch serves as a protective chamber for nurturing their young, safeguarding the next generation as they develop and grow before venturing into the world outside.

In their quest for sustenance, Common Planigales exhibit a preference for foraging under cover of thick vegetation, utilizing the natural protection offered by dense undergrowth to remain hidden from potential predators. Their diet is primarily composed of insects and arthropods, with a particular inclination towards smaller insects suited to their size. However, the Common Planigale does not shy away from larger prey such as beetles and grasshoppers, employing a strategic approach to hunting. By targeting the underside of their prey, where the exoskeleton is softer, they are able to deliver a fatal bite, demonstrating their prowess as efficient predators despite their small stature.


Population est.
An abundant species

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Terrestrial / Aquatic

Altricial / Precocial

Polygamous / Monogamous

Dimorphic (size) / Monomorphic

Active: Diurnal / Nocturnal

Social behavior: Solitary / Pack / Herd

Diet: Carnivore / Herbivore / Omnivore / Piscivorous / Insectivore

Migratory: Yes / No

Domesticated: Yes / No

Dangerous: Yes / No