
The Poison dart frogs of Panama, South America, differ from other genera in having more than two colors

A genus of poison dart frogs inhabiting the rainforests of Central and South America, it is a remarkable group of amphibians distinguished not only by their bright colors but also by their potent toxicity and unique reproductive behaviors. These frogs, often adorned in vivid hues, are among the most poisonous animals on Earth, and their striking appearance serves as a warning to potential predators.

The extreme toxicity of Ranitomeya frogs is a result of their ability to sequester and synthesize potent toxins from the prey they consume. Their diet primarily consists of specific arthropods, including ants, termites, and beetles, which carry plant-derived poisons. These toxins are assimilated and concentrated by the frogs, rendering them highly venomous. Remarkably, a single frog can possess enough poison to kill thousands of mice potentially, underscoring the formidable nature of their chemical defenses.

While many Ranitomeya species are known for their bright and conspicuous colors, not all frogs in this genus exhibit such showy appearances. Some species are elegantly camouflaged with skin patterns in various brownish tones, allowing them to blend seamlessly into their rainforest environments.

One of the most intriguing aspects of Ranitomeya frogs is their distinctive parental care behavior during the breeding season. Some species in this genus exhibit extended parental care, with parent frogs guarding their developing offspring for up to two to three weeks. During this time, they periodically moisten the eggs with their urine, a unique strategy to ensure the survival of their developing tadpoles.