Anura – Frogs

Toads are kind of frogs, with shorter legs (to crawl & hop rather than leap) and dry skin (and not moist like frogs)

The word amphibian is almost synonymous with frogs and toads.

This largest order of amphibians is instantly recognizable with their short, rigid bodies and distinct lack of a tail. They have large eyes and a keen sense of smell that they use to catch their prey by flicking out their long, sticky tongues. Females are typically larger than males. Their skin varies greatly; some frogs have skin so thin that you can view their internal organs, while the skin of some toads has been substituted for leather!

They also exhibit a wide range of sizes, from the minuscule Brazilian gold frog to the gigantic Goliath frog. Some frogs possess transparent lower eyelids, allowing them to see underwater while staying protected. Notably, certain species can change their skin color based on temperature, light, and mood, adding to their unique charm.

Many frogs are nocturnal and equipped with excellent night vision. Some species, like the wood frog, even tolerate freezing temperatures by entering a state of suspended animation.

Beyond biology, frogs are culturally significant symbols, representing transformation, renewal, rain, and fertility in various societies. They embody personal growth, resilience, and the cyclical nature of life due to their unique life cycle. Additionally, they are associated with the life-giving power of rain and are believed to bring fertility and abundance to those seeking it, making them multifaceted icons in human culture.

Frogs and toads can be found in various habitats close to lakes, streams, and other wet areas. In this order, the largest risks to species are habitat loss and fungi diseases.