Scopidae – Hamerkop

The hammerheads of the bird kingdom

The Scopidae family is unique in the avian world, consisting of a single species known as the Hamerkop (Scopus umbretta). This bird is indeed distinctive, with all of its members characterized by uniform brown plumage and a head that is shaped somewhat like a hammer, which is where it gets its name, meaning “hammerhead” in Afrikaans.

The Hamerkop, with its two subspecies, is native to Africa and Madagascar, where it frequents a wide variety of wetland habitats. These range from traditional lakes and marshes to man-made environments such as rice fields and fish ponds. The species is also comfortable in arid regions, as long as there is water nearby, and can be found in savannahs and even forested areas, showcasing a remarkable adaptability.

Hamerkops are carnivorous, feeding on a diet rich in aquatic invertebrates. They are skilled hunters, often seen wading through shallow water, using their sharp vision to spot prey before seizing it with their strong beaks. The variety of their diet is quite extensive, including fish, shrimp, insects, frogs, and occasionally small mammals.

One of the most remarkable aspects of the Hamerkop is its nesting behavior. It constructs one of the most elaborate and sizable nests of any bird species. The nest is a massive structure made of sticks that takes weeks to build. Remarkably, these nests are used for breeding and raising young and may also provide shelter for other species, including birds and reptiles.

Both the male and female Hamerkop build the nest, which is a labor-intensive process resulting in a dome-shaped construction with a side entrance. These nests are often built on the forks of trees but can also be located on cliff ledges or even on human structures.

Despite its conspicuous nest, the Hamerkop is a shy, retiring bird that avoids human contact. It typically hunts alone or in pairs, often performing a synchronized hunting dance with its mate, which is a sight to behold.