I dream of going on a safari and taking photos of some amazing animals. Top of my list? Leopards! I don’t know why I’m so captivated by leopards. Maybe because they have such beautiful, unique spots and move so gracefully. I can just picture capturing a leopard silently moving through the underbrush. It would be incredible to get a shot showing their elegant form and intense gaze.
Now, let me show you my Top 10 dream safari animals. You’ll never know, maybe we have the same thoughts.
Asian elephant
Spotted hyena
Also known as Laughing Hyena, it gets chewed a lot for being cruddy and a good-for-nothing scavenger!
Plains zebra
These zebras with the underbelly stripes are the longest migrators in Africa
Blue wildebeest
So named because of the silverish-blue shine of fur, which is not blue but greyish to brown
Masai giraffe
The giraffe species with largest build
Eastern gorilla
Much larger than any other ape, it is the rarest of two gorillas species
Greater flamingo
The iconic and elegant bird with a curved pink bill is known for turning heads
Arabian oryx
A desert icon, stands tall, thriving in the sand – truly born to be wild in their extreme habitat