
All members of this genus are completely sexually dimorphic

These birds have carved a niche for themselves in the humid forests of South and Central America, where their distribution is almost entirely allopatric or parapatric. This means that different species of the genus occupy contiguous but non-overlapping areas or have ranges that barely overlap, which helps to reduce direct competition among them.

Sexual dimorphism is pronounced in Eubucco, with males typically exhibiting a more brilliant palette of colors compared to their female counterparts. The males often feature a striking combination of red hues on their heads, which is not just for show but also plays a critical role in courtship and territorial displays. The females, on the other hand, tend to have more subdued coloration, which may aid in camouflage while nesting.

Their bills are another characteristic feature, being short and stout with a yellowish tint. This adaptation is well-suited to their diet, which is primarily frugivorous. Eubucco birds have a preference for a variety of fruits, which they forage for in the dense canopies of tropical forests. However, they are opportunistic feeders and will not shy away from including arthropods in their diet, providing them with essential proteins.

Eubucco species have adapted well to various environments, ranging from lowland tropical forests to higher altitudes in Asia and the Americas. Their adaptability is evident in their ability to forage in a variety of tree species, which bear fruits at different times of the year, providing a consistent food supply. The beauty of these birds has not gone unnoticed by humans, and as a result, they are often drawn to ornamental trees in gardens, towns, and city parks, where their presence adds a splash of color and life.