Phyllodactylus – American leaf-toed geckos

Possess excellent night vision, allowing them to hunt effectively in low-light conditions

These small, agile reptiles are found in various regions, including North and South America, the Caribbean, and parts of the Galápagos Islands.

These geckos are generally small, with most species measuring between 5-13 cm (2-5 in) in length. They are named for their distinctive toes, which have flattened, leaf-like pads that aid in climbing and gripping surfaces. These toe pads are equipped with tiny hair-like structures called setae, which allow the geckos to adhere to various surfaces, including smooth ones like glass. Their coloration varies widely among species, ranging from light brown and gray to more vibrant hues. This coloration often provides effective camouflage against their natural backgrounds, helping them avoid predators.

Phyllodactylus geckos are highly adaptable and can be found in a wide range of habitats, from arid deserts to tropical forests. They are particularly common in rocky areas, where they can hide in crevices and under rocks. Some species are also found in urban environments, where they can be seen clinging to walls and ceilings. These geckos are primarily nocturnal, emerging at night to hunt for food and avoid the heat of the day. During the day, they seek shelter in cool, shaded areas to regulate their body temperature.