Hylidae – Tree frogs & allies

Despite they name, this family include a diversity of frog species, many of which are terrestrial or semiaquatic

While tree frogs encompass a large and diverse family of amphibians, it’s not exclusively their arboreal lifestyle that defines them. What unites these fascinating creatures is the presence of specialized toe pads on their feet, a distinctive adaptation that facilitates their climbing abilities. These toe pads are coated in a thin layer of mucus, enabling them to adhere to surfaces through wet adhesion, much like how damp tissue paper clings to glass.

Tree frogs are renowned for their striking and vibrant colors, setting them apart from their terrestrial counterparts. These captivating hues not only make them visually appealing but also serve various purposes, including camouflage, communication, and deterring potential predators.

When it comes to their diet, adult tree frogs exhibit a carnivorous appetite, preying on a wide range of tiny invertebrates such as flies, ants, crickets, beetles, moths, and more. Their agile and adept hunting abilities are essential for maintaining insect populations in their habitats, contributing to the balance of local ecosystems.

However, an intriguing aspect of tree frog life lies in their early stages of development. As tadpoles, the majority of tree frog species are primarily herbivores. They feed on plant material, algae, and detritus in their aquatic habitats, gradually transitioning to a carnivorous diet as they metamorphose into adults.