Buergeria – Buerger’s frogs

Masters of camouflage reside from Hainan (China) to Japan

Found across the vast territories of China, Taiwan, and Japan. These frogs hold a significant ecological role in their respective regions. Still, their populations are increasingly facing threats and are currently listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN.

These frogs exhibit a preference for mountainous regions, where they typically inhabit the vicinity of clear streams or serene lakes. Their adaptation to an aquatic habitat is facilitated by webbing between their fingers, which aids swimming and maneuvering in their aquatic environments. This specialized adaptation allows them to thrive in these unique habitats and play vital roles in local ecosystems.

In terms of their dietary habits, Buerger’s frogs are primarily carnivorous. They have a diverse palate, consuming various insects such as crickets, cockroaches, and other arthropods. This carnivorous diet helps regulate insect populations in their ecosystems, contributing to the overall balance of the local food web.

One of the primary challenges confronting Buerger’s frogs is the escalating human activities in their natural habitats. Rapid urbanization, agricultural expansion, and infrastructure development in these areas have led to habitat fragmentation and degradation. These activities can further destabilize their populations, making their conservation an urgent concern.

Conservation efforts for Buerger’s frogs are becoming increasingly crucial due to the threats they face. Their vulnerability to human-induced habitat changes emphasizes the need for proactive conservation measures to safeguard their populations and preserve the delicate ecological balance they contribute to in their mountainous aquatic habitats.