Birds world records
The world of birds is a captivating and colorful one, full of wonder and discovery. With over 10,000 species scattered across the globe, birds are truly one of the most fascinating and diverse groups of animals on the planet. From the smallest hummingbird to the largest ostrich, birds come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors, each with its unique set of adaptations and behaviors.
One of the most striking features of birds is their ability to fly, and they have evolved a variety of different flight styles and techniques to help them navigate their environments. But birds are more than just flyers; they are also skilled singers and communicators, with elaborate songs and calls that are used for a variety of purposes, from attracting mates to warning of danger.
Birds also play a crucial role in our ecosystem, helping to pollinate plants, control insect populations, and disperse seeds.
Step into the captivating world of birds, full of wonder and discovery, where you’ll be amazed by their ability to fly, their impressive vocalizations, and their crucial role in the ecosystem.
Common ostrich
Arabian ostrich, 1 of 4 subspecies, was hunted to extinction in mid-20th century
The ultimate heavyweight champ of the avian world, boasting the largest and fastest bird on the planet – the mighty ostrich! With a top speed of 70 km/h (44 mph), this flightless wonder is the Usain Bolt of the animal kingdom, leaving all other feathered friends in the dust.
MoreBee hummingbird
Smallest bird with eggs equal to the size of a coffee bean and powerful wings that Tinker bell would want to borrow
When it comes to tiny birds, the Bee Hummingbird is the reigning monarch of miniatures! Weighing in at a mere 3 g (0.11 oz) and measuring just 6 cm (2.25 in) long, this little ball of feathers is officially recognized as the world’s smallest bird.
MoreRüppells vulture
Once found flying 11,300 meters (37,100 ft) high, sadly, this was more of an accident than a discovery
The ultimate high-flyer of the bird world, soaring to heights that would make even the most daring of pilots dizzy with excitement! This feathered marvel holds the record for the highest flying bird, with sightings at a jaw-dropping altitude of 37,000 ft (7 miles) – a true testament to the incredible capabilities of our winged friends.
MoreBar-headed goose
These hardy birds are capable of flying at dizzying heights, where even helicopters can’t fly
A true adventurer of the skies with an incredible migration journey that puts even the most intrepid explorers to shame! This remarkable bird holds the record for the highest bird migration ever tracked, with some individuals reaching heights of over 29,000 ft (5 miles) as they journey across the Himalayas – a true testament to the tenacity and resilience of our feathered friends.
MoreSouthern cassowary
This heavyweight champion is the heaviest Asian and Australian living bird
A truly heavyweight champion of the avian world, weighing 44 kg (97 pounds), holding the title for the largest bird in Asia and Australia, and coming in at a formidable fourth place globally. But don’t let its impressive size fool you, as this feathered giant also holds the record for the world’s most dangerous bird – with a lethal kick that’s sure to leave a lasting impression.
MoreAndean condor
The largest and heaviest raptor in the world
One big bird that’s not to be trifled with, holding the impressive titles of both heaviest bird of prey, weighs up to 15 kg (33 pounds) and largest living bird of prey. With its massive wingspan and powerful build, this feathered beast commands respect wherever it flies.
MorePeregrine falcon
At the speed of over 321 km/h (200 mph), this bird outraces a Formula1 car
The undisputed speed king of the bird world, holding the impressive record of 386 km/h (240 mph) for the fastest diving bird of prey. With its razor-sharp talons and lightning-fast reflexes, this feathered predator is a true master of the skies.
MoreCommon swift
These enthusiastic travelers can be seen almost worldwide in different seasons
A true master of the skies, holding the impressive title of the most airborne land bird. These feathered acrobats spend almost their entire lives in the air, making them the ultimate high-flyers of the avian world.
MoreAmerican woodcock
This incredible bird can feel the vibrations made by a worm to find it and consume it
It may not be breaking any speed records, but this plump little bird holds its own with the title of the slowest-flying bird in the world, ranging from 8 – 13 km/h (5 – 8 mph) of speed. With its unique zigzagging flight pattern and quirky personality, the American Woodcock is a beloved and fascinating member of the bird community.
MoreAfrican skimmer
Global Warming got nothing on this bird
A true survivor in every sense of the word, holding the impressive title of the most heat-tolerant bird in the world. With its unique beak and striking appearance, this feathered heat-seeker is perfectly adapted to thrive in even the most scorching of environments.
MoreCommon tern
This bird holds the record of the longest distance flown by any bird in recorded history
It holds the impressive record for the greatest distance flown by a bird in a single migration, traveling up to 70,900 km (44,000 miles) each year from its breeding grounds in the Northern Hemisphere to its wintering grounds in the Southern Hemisphere and back again. With its sleek build and impressive endurance, this feathered adventurer is a true master of long-distance flight, soaring over oceans and continents with ease.
MoreArctic tern
This bird can give any cross-country runner a run for their money
A true globetrotter, holding the impressive title of the bird with the longest migration in the world. With a journey that spans an incredible 71,000 km (44,000 miles) each year, this feathered adventurer is the ultimate long-distance traveler.
MoreDusky grouse
The third largest grouse in North America is known for their shortest bird migration and resides permanently in an area they hatch
The Dusky Grouse may not be the flashiest bird in the flock, but it holds an impressive record as the bird with the shortest migration in the world. With a journey that only spans a few miles each year, this feathered homebody is the ultimate staycationer of the avian world.
MoreReeves’s pheasant
Endemic to China, the largest pheasant with the longest tail feather measures up to 2.4 meters (7.9 ft)
A bird with some serious tail feather power, holding the impressive title of the species with the longest natural tail feather of any bird in the world. With tail feathers that can grow up to 2 m (6 ft) in length, this feathered fashionista is truly a sight to behold.
MoreInaccessible Island rail
How did these flightless birds get to the Inaccessible Island? – Well, that’s still a mystery
It may be small, but it holds an impressive title as the smallest flightless bird in the world, measuring only about 13 cm (5 in) in length and weighing less than 50 g (2 oz). With its unique appearance and endearing personality, this little feathered ground-dweller is a true gem of the avian world.
Only living representative of this order is the hoatzin, found only deep in the Amazon!
It may not be winning any awards for its fragrance, but it holds an impressive title as the smelliest bird in the world. With a unique digestive system that produces a pungent odor, this feathered stinker is a true one-of-a-kind in the avian world.
MoreKori bustard
These large birds may remind you of ostriches, but they can fly!
A heavyweight champion, holding the impressive title of the heaviest bird and living animal capable of flight. With a body weight that can reach up to 19 kg (42 pounds), this feathered behemoth is a true force to be reckoned with.
MoreHooded pitohui
The most poisonous living pitohui species
It may look harmless, but don’t be fooled – it holds the impressive title of the most poisonous bird in the world. With toxic skin and feathers that contain a potent neurotoxin, this little feathered menace is not to be trifled with.
MoreWhite bellbird
The loudest living bird
One noisy neighbor you won’t soon forget, holding the impressive title of the loudest bird call in the world. With a vocalization that can reach up to a deafening 125 decibels – louder than a rock concert – this feathered diva is not one to be ignored.
MoreSociable weaver
The bird with the gigantic heritage nest
A social of the avian world, with the title of the most populous bird’s nest in the world. With communal nests that can house up to several hundred birds at a time, this feathered architect truly knows how to build a home for the whole family.
MoreRed-billed quelea
The most numerous wild bird species in the world
One of the most numerous birds on the planet, holding the impressive title of the most numerous undomesticated bird on earth. With a post-breeding population that can reach an astonishing 1.5 billion individuals, this little feathered overachiever truly knows how to make its mark on the world.
MoreAlpine / Yellow billed chough
The master aerial diver and swooper
The ultimate daredevil of the bird world, holding the title of the highest-living bird around! With a natural habitat that can reach a whopping 6,100 m (20,000 ft) up in the air, this feathered adventurer truly lives life on the edge.
MoreStephanies astrapia
The velvety black bird of paradise
Move over, Batman – there’s a new contender for the title of darkest creature around, and it goes by the name of Stephanie’s Astrapia! With feathers so black they make the night sky look like a flashlight, this bird is ready to take on any dark and stormy night.
MoreMarsh warbler
Australian pelican
These birds have been recorded to fly at 3000 meters (9850 ft)
The bird with a bill so long it would make Pinocchio jealous! With a schnoz that can reach up to 45 cm (18 in) long, this bird knows how to make a statement.
Wandering albatross
The humongous bird with the largest wing span of 3.5 m (11.5 ft) – seems straight out of a fantasy movie
Say hello to the Wandering Albatross, the bird with wings so big it could give a pterodactyl a run for its money! With a wingspan that can reach over 3 m (11 ft), this majestic avian is a true champion of the skies.
MorePink cockatoo
This flawless cockatoo with a crown of charm and royal looks will steal away your heart
This colorful cockatoo may be getting up there in years, but age is just a number when you hold the title of oldest bird around. With a lifespan of up to 80 years, Major Mitchell’s cockatoo is still the life of the party!
MoreSalmon-crested cockatoo
This cockatoo loves coconut and works hard to get through the hard outer layer of this fruit
The party parrot of the avian world boasts some of the loudest calls in the parrot family and an impressive ability to mimic sounds. Whether it’s a human voice or a catchy tune, this bird knows how to pump up the volume and get the good times rolling.
MoreGentoo penguin
Bushy tailed fastest diving penguin
It would definitely win the gold medal for speed! With a top speed of around 35 km/h (22 mph), these adorable black-and-white birds are the Usain Bolt of the penguin world. Don’t let their cute and cuddly appearance fool you, and these penguins are serious competitors in the water!