Bufonidae – True toads

Only family of anurans in which all members are known as toads: rough skinned, squat-bodied & short-legged

Contrary to popular myths, touching a toad will not give you warts or transform you into a prince, but these remarkable creatures offer much more to discover.

While some bufonids possess potent skin toxins that can prove lethal to predators if ingested, not all species within the family are equally equipped with such defenses. The notion of these toxins leading to warts or magical transformations is purely a product of folklore.

Toads, as a group, display diverse ecological adaptations. While a few toad species are partially aquatic, residing in streams, and some even embrace an arboreal lifestyle, the majority of toads are terrestrial in nature. True toads are distributed across every continent except Australia and Antarctica, occupying a wide range of habitats.

Characteristic features of toads include their dry and bumpy skin, short legs, and a distinctive mode of locomotion involving hopping rather than leaping, setting them apart from many other frog species.

These adaptable amphibians have established their presence in various environments, including forests, grasslands, and wetlands. Although many toad species are relatively small, with total lengths of less than 10 cm (2 inches), some can reach impressive sizes of up to 20 cm (8 inches).

Toads are carnivorous and exhibit a voracious appetite, consuming a diet comprised of anything they can swallow. Their diet often consists of insects, small invertebrates, and even smaller frogs. This carnivorous behavior contributes to the regulation of insect populations in their habitats, making them valuable components of ecosystems.