Search for Maldives
Little tern
Renowned for their spectacular aerial displays during courtship, including steep dives and intricate flight patterns
European starling
Brilliant mimics, they can copy bird calls and even human-made sounds like car alarms and ringing phones!
Spotted dove
A delightful bird with a calm and peaceful nature
Great white pelican
Underneath this colorful beak, there’s a hidden surprise – a built-in net for scooping up a delicious lunch!
Barn swallow
Most common and widely distributed swallow globally
Great hammerhead
The biggest of all the hammerhead sharks, with a massive head that looks like a giant, flat hammer
Yellowfin tuna
Popular food fish, prized for its mild flavor and firm texture
Pantropical spotted dolphin
A champion swimmer and a social butterfly of the warm seas
Brown noddy
They bob their heads up and down as they fly, which is actually how they earned the nickname “Noddy”
Common bottlenose dolphin
Known for their acrobatic leaps, twisting and turning gracefully as they jump completely out of the water
Eurasian kestrel
Adaptable raptor known for its hovering hunting technique and striking appearance
Tiger shark
They eat almost anything that comes their way – you name it, they’ll try to snack on it!
Indian roller
With its splendid plumage, it has earned its place as a jewel of the skies
Oriental garden lizard
A lizard with vibrant hues – a living canvas of green, brown, and sometimes even blue
Shortfin mako shark
Speed and power embodied, they rule the seas with their sleek bodies and jaw-dropping leaping prowess
Blacktip reef shark
Graceful and stealthy, these reef dwellers navigate the coral maze with finesse, showcasing their iconic black-tipped fins
Oceanic whitetip shark
Opportunistic predators of the open ocean, their aggressive and persistent feeding behaviour strikes fear into the hearts of their prey
Whale shark
Gentle giants of the sea, with mouths wide open to filter the ocean’s bounty
Great white shark
Majestic ocean predators, embodying power, speed, and precision in their pursuit of prey
Hawksbill sea turtle
Its slender frame and narrow head bear a beak curved like a hawk’s, earning this marine marvel its name
Emperor angelfish
As it grows older, it undergoes a metamorphosis that is nothing short of extraordinary
Green humphead parrotfish
With a robust body adorned in iridescent hues of emerald and turquoise, it is an underwater jewel that dazzles the eye
Common kingfisher
Possessed with special visual adaptations to catch fish
Brown booby
An impressively acrobatic bird that can catch flying fish mid-jump
Great frigatebird
These birds spend weeks in the air and hunt, preen and even sleep while in flight
Rose-ringed parakeet
If you ever forget the tune of a song, don’t worry; this bird has your back
Wilsons storm petrel
This species is found in all world oceans except the north Pacific Ocean
Leachs storm petrel
These petrels stylishly ride the ocean waves like they own the winds
Greater flamingo
The iconic and elegant bird with a curved pink bill is known for turning heads
Red-billed tropicbird
Professional marine forecasters to optimize breeding success and prey availability
Red-tailed tropicbird
They dance along with their gorgeous red tails to attract partners in a faithful courtship
White-tailed tropicbird
These ocean wanderers can be spotted from a distance showing awe-inspiring aerial tricks
Eurasian spoonbill
This bird is unmistakable for its namesake, spoon-shaped bill
Glossy ibis
These birds seem to have lost their way to the beauty pageant
House sparrow
The most widely dispersed wild bird
Eurasian coot
Like those bulging red eyes weren’t scary enough, they eat their innocent chicks when hungry
Common moorhen
Living around smelly brackish marshes is unthinkable, but these birds love their isolated habitat or don’t have a sense of smell
Peregrine falcon
At the speed of over 321 km/h (200 mph), this bird outraces a Formula1 car
Black-winged stilt
Elegant long-legged wader, common almost worldwide
This bird has learned how to use a spear and made it an extension of itself
Black-tailed godwit
The most elegant of all godwit species
Common swift
These enthusiastic travelers can be seen almost worldwide in different seasons
Eurasian hoopoe
Dependable wings and a muscular build. Nope, we aren’t talking about the next Redbull ad campaign
Cotton pygmy goose
Smaller than most iPads, meet the tiniest duck in the world
Western marsh harrier
The yellow-eyed devil
One of only six land-birds with a cosmopolitan distribution habituating all continents except Antarctica