Search for Paraguay
White-coated titi
One of the few primates known to “tail-twine”
American kestrel
The smallest of falcons in the entirety of America, but you would be mistaken to take this bird lightly
Saffron toucanet
They have a unique habit of storing excess food by hiding it in tree crevices, which they may return to later
South American rattlesnake
Both feared and respected, often appearing in traditional stories and as a symbol of danger and power
Yellow anaconda
While it’s one of the largest snakes in the world, it’s smaller than its green cousin
Boat-billed heron
Got its name from its distinctive, boat-shaped bill, which is wider than it is tall
White-faced whistling duck
Loud birds with a distinct three-note whistling sound
Blue-and-yellow tanager
Known for their bright plumage and lively behavior, making them some of the most recognizable birds in the tropics
Hyacinth macaw
This amazing creature is the largest parrot in the world and one of the most beautiful birds on Earth
Lineated woodpecker
With its strong, sharp beak, it’s a master at pecking holes into trees to find tasty bugs hiding inside
European hare
Unlike rabbits, they don’t live in burrows, instead, they make shallow nests in the grass called forms
Chaco tortoise
Can go for a long time without drinking water because they get enough from the plants they eat
Barn swallow
Most common and widely distributed swallow globally
Crested caracara
Got the looks of a hawk with the scavenging habits of a vulture
Southern lapwing
Fearless defenders of their nests and chicks, often taking on much larger animals or humans if they perceive a threat
Great kiskadee
This bird is a real chatterbox, constantly announcing its presence with its loud, three-part call – “kis-ka-dee!”
Burrowing owl
They don’t build their own nests – they cleverly take over burrows abandoned by prairie dogs, ground squirrels, or even tortoises!
Rufous hornero
Remarkable architects that construct domed nests from mud and straw
Rufous-bellied thrush
Its song is often associated with the arrival of spring and is a symbol of joy and renewal
Argentine black and white tegu
A popular pet in the United States, but it is also considered an invasive species in Florida
White-lipped peccary
They can spend up to two-thirds of their day traveling and feeding
Glyptodon clavipes
The Pleistocene armadillo with a car-sized shell and a lethal tail
Saber-toothed tiger
Despite its name, this animal was not a true tiger, nor was it related to any modern cat
Giant ground sloth
Discover the mystery of a prehistoric giant: an enormous herbivore with powerful claws and a tragic fate
Southern tiger cat
A majestic predator that rules the jungle with its stunning stripes, fierce hunting skills, and impressive vocalization abilities
These wild cats are cute, intelligent, agile, and well-adapted to inhabiting tropical and subtropical forests
Pampas cat
Survival of the fittest? This cat takes it to a whole new level, always ready to pounce and conquer any habitat
Geoffroy’s cat
Small but mighty, this cat is a stealthy predator that swims, climbs and hunts with sass and style
Pampas fox
Small, sly, and swift – it may be pint-sized, but it packs a punch when it comes to survival in the grasslands
Central American agouti
This widespread cute-looking creature is also known as the ‘gardener of the forest’
Communicate using various vocalizations such as whistles, whinnies, and growls
Their neck vertebrae have a hinge mechanism that allows it to dart its long neck and pierce its prey quickly
Blue-and-yellow macaw
The pale yet gorgeous face blushes when this bird is excited, revealing a sensitive and soft heart
Barn owl
The most cosmopolitan of owls with home ranges extending across the globe
Greater rhea
The largest native living bird of America
Red-breasted toucan
A small beaked toucan that looks like it came straight from a Halloween party
Toco toucan
The largest toucan there is with a long and serrated beak
Roseate spoonbill
An easily recognizable bird due to its pink body and spatulate bill
House sparrow
The most widely dispersed wild bird
Scarlet flycatcher
The scarlet ambush hunter
They don’t need salt, bamboo sticks, or forks to deshell a snail – they have a well-adapted bill to do the job
Yellow-headed caracara
A common scavenger bird that cleans up the roads of Central and South America
Peregrine falcon
At the speed of over 321 km/h (200 mph), this bird outraces a Formula1 car
Black-winged stilt
Elegant long-legged wader, common almost worldwide
Arctic tern
This bird can give any cross-country runner a run for their money
Common tern
This bird holds the record of the longest distance flown by any bird in recorded history
Andean condor
The largest and heaviest raptor in the world
Black-legged seriema
Gear up to get your minds changed if you think all birds love flying
Red-legged seriema
Did someone say birds don’t participate in marathons? Wait, we have a worthy contestant here
Great potoo
These nocturnal birds live in solitary and can peek around even with closed eyes
Harpy eagle
The world’s most spectacular and most robust eagle species serves a critical ecological role in the ecosystem they live in
One of only six land-birds with a cosmopolitan distribution habituating all continents except Antarctica
Giant anteater
These specialist predators of termites and ants are not immune to ant bites
Brazilian tapir
Flee and dive into the water when facing a predator and remain deep under the water until the predator leaves
Giant armadillo
The largest living armadillo, growing up to 1.5m (5 ft) in length, yet it feeds on tiny termites!
Six-banded armadillo
Able to swim and will shallow air just before entering the water to assist with buoyancy
Nine-banded armadillo
Found all over the Americas, it is the most widespread species of all armadillos
Crab-eating raccoon
Despite the common name, they do not feed on crabs exclusively
Widespread in tropical and subtropical forests Central and South America
Giant otter
Don’t be fooled by their harmless appearances; they can hunt caiman, piranhas, and anacondas in the wild!
The most widespread large mammal of the Americas: from Canada’s Yukon to the Andes in South America
Secretive and solitary, inhabiting various habitats of Central and South America
They are picky eaters, often plucking off all the furs or feathers of the prey before start eating them
Pantanal cat
With a purrfect physique and sharp instincts, this cat reigns supreme as the ultimate predator of the wetlands
This solitary cat is America’s largest feline and the world’s third, after the tiger and the lion
Bush dog
First discovered as a fossil in Brazil, before ever witnessed – it was believed to be extinct
Crab-eating fox
During the wet season, they search for crabs in muddy floodplains
Maned wolf
With an identity of its own, it’s neither a wolf nor a fox — however, wearing long ears is probably a fashion statement
Chacoan peccary
Also known as tagua and it is the last existing species of its genus, with only 3000 individuals present today
Collared peccary
Suffering from poorly developed vision, they heavily rely on vocalization to communicate
The largest herbivores of the dry areas of South America
Black howler
Allomothering is a common activity: females of a group display communal care for each other’s infants
Green iguana
From the US down to Brazil, this trans-American lizard is the most common iguana
Green anaconda
When most people say anaconda, they mean the green anaconda, the largest of all snakes!
Boa constrictor
A small genus of Large snakes, strangling their prey endemic to the Americas
Yacare caiman
Jacare caiman, raguayan caiman, piranha caiman, red caiman, southern spectacled caiman! It has no shortage of nicknames
Cuviers dwarf caiman
A heavily armored small crocodile native to South America